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Career Rules (Part II)

08 February 2014

See the first part: Career Rules (Part I)

Seize the initiative. I shouldn't be content with just doing my job. I should lead and not just manage (Many can manage but only a few can lead). I should exceed expectations and not just follow the job description. This is something I can follow naturally because I've always been a critic. I question policies and practices. I ask why this guideline is being followed and if it can be improved upon. In short, pakialamero ako. Natural na sa akin ang maghanap ng mas magandang paraan.

Accept and encourage criticism. This is an especially hard pill to swallow. I do accept criticism but only from people I know and am comfortable with: my friends and family. The more difficult criticism to handle are those from people I don't know and those I have a grudge with. But this shouldn't be the case. I should welcome this kind of unsolicited advice since they are generally more truthful and they come from people I'm trying to win over. Can I vomit now?

Be informed. Maging tsismoso. The word has gotten a pretty bad rap and deservedly so. But what I'm trying to say is that I should be more mindful of the issues in the workplace. Of course, this doesn't mean that I should be passing information around. It only means that I know what's on the ground at all times. Strive to be a facilitator also using the information I possess.

Stick to the rule of three. When presiding a meeting, stick to a three-point agenda and limit the time spent to at most thirty minutes. When sending an email or speaking in public, stick to three core messages. Build a reputation of a professional known for brevity and directness. Aim for quality and not for quantity in all transactions. "No more, no less" as the cliche goes.    

Have fun. Of course. Life is too short.

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