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Another Reason Why December 30 Should Be A Holiday

02 January 2011

First up, curse you P-Noy and your holiday economics.

I'm stuck in a crowded bus. The day is December 31. With me is my Ate and we're on our way to Nabunturan to celebrate the new year with the Evangelio clan. We're all sweating and the bus is barely moving. We're stuck somewhere between Panacan and nowhere. Dust is swirling amidst the throngs of bodies and smells bursting from the aisles.

How did it come to this? Well, that's because yesterday wasn't a holiday. As decreed by the government, the holiday was moved to Monday, December 27, to make Christmas one day longer. So that made December 30 a regular working day and now all of us are trying our best to cram into the last bus trips for the provinces for the last day of the year.

Perhaps, this scenario escaped the supposedly brilliant minds occupying the top echelons of our country. That's probably because they don't ride buses.

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