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Jeep Rides

20 February 2010

This one is for fun.

Do you notice guys wearing sunglasses while riding the jeep? My best suspicion is that they wear them so they can take a look at the girls in skirts without being noticed. Those eyes have to look at somewhere or something. So, girls, better watch out.

I am also thinking of a sign to be placed in the middle of a jeep's aisle. It says, "Ang dako'g bikangkad, dako'g itlog." That should remind some men to courteously close their legs while riding the jeep, as most of our womenfolk secretly complain of this rudeness.

I have an idea for a new type of PUJ service. It's called KKK: Kanya-Kanyang Kalingkuran. The concept is simple: why not replace the benches in jeeps with the seats you usually associate with those in bus terminal waiting sheds? You know, the ones where only one person can sit on one chair (Gosh, I wish I had a picture to post)? That's because I am tired of being lied to by the conductor who claims that there's still space for my butt to sit on and realizing, only after I come on board, that there's actually none.

Toril jeeps are a hassle. Most drivers like to linger at the usual stops, in an effort to fill up their vehicles before riding off several kilometers to Toril. I don't like that. It's a waste of time and a waste of gas.

I wish they would play soothing music. Unfortunately, most jeep drivers like music bordering on noise. Oh well, that's a fact of life that has to be accepted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! nice nice!

Mintal and Calinan PUJs are also like that. Especially when they are in their "turf"... Would you like to have the MMDA re-stationed in Davao City? If you're in for the pink and blue motif, that is. XD


Pangitaa Gud

Ang Pulong Sa Ignoy