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Creative Writing

27 June 2009

Last night, my sister handed to me the envelope containing my short stories and poems. I remember I left the envelope with my mother prior to leaving for Manila last year. She had asked for a hard copy of my works for purposes of posterity.

Looking back, I feel lucky that she had asked and I complied. During the course of my stint in Manila, our computer's hard disk had crashed twice already. Right now, the envelope, and all its contents, are the only evidence I have of my past "genius" (Okay, save me the snickers and the giggles please).

What I will upload right now to this blog in the next few days are my earlier works back in college. I have four short stories and two poems. Some may be rough since they've not gone through revising and editing (I'm saying this so that my previous mentor and Creative Writing teacher, Sir Don Pagusara, won't disown me if he finds them not at par with his expectations - if he had any). Some have already gone through revisions but I don't know if the hard copies I gave to my mother are already the polished copies and not my initial drafts.

Needless to say, my collection of works is quite small, pathetic even. But I intend to be more productive this time. I'm in Davao now, remember?

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