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04 November 2012

Gymming is a term I got from Kit Loma. And yes. I'm still going to the gym. Alone.

I'm writing  this post because of some habits I've observed among the gym rats. Actually, I'm annoyed with these mannerisms but since I'm not the only one paying for the use of the gym, I have to put up with these annoyances every time I go. I'm writing this down because you, reader, might be guilty of one of these and it is my hope that, now being aware, you'll stop from getting on my nerve.

1.) Dropping the dumbbells - There's this guy who, after finishing his sets, drops his dumbbells. He doesn't gently put these on the floor. He drops them from several inches up. It's annoying because it's not necessary, it's loud, and he's clearly doing it to show off.

2.) Grunting - There's also this guy who does a lot of guttural noises whenever he does push-ups. Every time he does it, I roll my eyes and wish he'll just shut up. There's no need to advertise your macho effort or your distress.

3.) Staying Too Long In An Equipment - I also understand that you need time to recover after a grueling set but if you stay for five minutes, just sitting there on the workout bench, I'm going to ask myself why you're wasting my time. Sit somewhere else. I need to use the pull-up bar.

4.) Staring At Me - I'm not flattered whenever you do that. I'll just think of you as a closet gay guy looking at me. Creepy. Stare at someone else please.

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