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Heaven As We Know It

24 December 2010

Let me bring up a scene from the movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Irina Spalko, the movie's villain, finally arrives at the Temple of Akator. After she returns the crystal skull to one headless alien skeleton, the alien being asks her what she wants in return. She demands full knowledge of everything in the universe and what ensues is a scenario befitting the cliche, "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it." Through psychic telepathy, the aliens bombards Irina with their immense knowledge. Unfortunately, her human brain isn't up to the task and she disintegrates.

I call this an interesting scene. From what I can infer, Irina's wish for ultimate knowledge can be likened also to the Christian's wish to go to heaven. Both wishes point to one desire, which is the desire for God, for the Absolute. Just as Irina aspires to gain unity with the Ultimate, so we aspire to be united with God.

Unfortunately, her desire proves to be her undoing. Because of her human limitations, she vaporizes right before her eyes. And so must we. For to know heaven as Christ knows it, we must cease being human, die, and become Christ himself. Hmmm...

I just discovered I won't be a good apologetic.

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