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The Art Of Studying

23 July 2012

Sometimes, I hate myself. I say that I'm supposed to study in advance, preferably several weeks before exams but that resolution never sticks. In reality, what happens is a furious session of cramming (I prefer the fancy word "study blitz") a day before D-Day.

It's interesting to note that my study style hasn't changed since my days in college.

Back then, I would try to study in advance but the facts would never stick. Then, when the pressure is on, when exams, tests, and quizzes were already peeking behind the door, my brain would operate as if it were on steroids.

Information makes sense, memorization takes mere seconds, understanding and clarity brighten the day. It's a surreal experience I liken to being "in the zone", that moment when even the universe is working on your favor.

IQ is quite ephemeral, I've been led to believe. One may have a high IQ but if he wishes to maintain it, one has to exercise his brain. As for me, I was "diagnosed" with above-average IQ in high school but I never did feel intelligent except when I was studying on the eve of exams.

Right now, law school has found me trying to recapture my earlier superpowers. As I've mentioned in my earlier post (attach link to post), I've become dumber. Now, facts don't rush so fast, understanding doesn't come easily. It's a challenge, really, and I do hope that as I study more and more, things will eventually be easier.

But study blitz is here to stay. I guess I'll have to accept that cramming is and will always be my way of life.

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