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About Pocket Books

30 June 2013

In our house, we have a lot of pocket books: those compact romance novels which usually come with a cover featuring a disheveled couple in the throngs of passion. The fault lies with Mama and my elder sister who, long before the internet, bought and collected these items in bundles.

Last week, Mama commented that she had to buy more "decent" novels this time since my younger sister is already reading pocket books as well. I completely understand what she's talking about.

When I was a kid, out of sheer boredom, I began reading one of Mama's books. Unfortunately, when I was already reading through a bedroom scene, my sister looked over my shoulder, took a glance, and reprimanded me (Well, sort of. She was reading the same stuff). Only after several years did I realize that what I read then was erotica. 

Some people like to say that pocket books are basically porn. In a way, they're right. It is porn but in a love story. There's that crucial difference.

Authors of these books do care about their characters and this care shows itself on how meticulous sex scenes are constructed and used and how the characters progress to these scenes. Make no mistake, I'm not a fan of premarital sex but, in these pocket books, somehow the authors have made it inevitable, downright unavoidable, for these characters to engage in intercourse. It is as if the universe itself rearranges elements and circumstances for these scenes to happen. It's amazing, really, especially when the author does it with such subtlety and skill.

Now that I've written about it, have you read a pocket book lately?

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