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New Year's Resolution

04 January 2010

And now, ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome our President and CEO, Mr. Paolo Ray E. Bataller:

Thank you very much. Good morning, everyone. As you've all known, 2009 was a rough year for us. There were several major changes over the past few months and we had to contend with cash flow problems all through out the year. But the good news is we are here and we are ready to face the new year with a bang. For my speech, I have preferred to be concise and brief. I'm going to address all key departments in our company, praising each for a job well done and outlining the challenges that we are to face for 2010. Let's start off.

Human Capital Management (Physical Development)

We've got to take care of our bodies. That means vowing to sleep early to wake up early. Also, I hereby institute mandatory exercise drills for all our employees and include BMI scores as performance indicators. I believe this is quite a broad and general undertaking, which is why I'm leaving it to the HCM department to flesh out the technical details of this program.

Finance (Finance. Duh.)

We also have to be stricter in our expenses. That means tightening our belts even more. There will be no more frivolous spending for this year and all procurement decisions are to be coursed through Finance prior to approval.

Marketing (Personal Relationships)

Personal relationships are the lifeblood to our success. We have to keep our friends closer and our networks alive. We have to maintain close contact with our acquaintances. We also must take time to carefully review our product and tweak our value proposition to cater to an ever-growing market.

Operations (Work/Local Employment)

We have to be more efficient this time around. I leave it to operations on how they can work faster and smarter. The good news here is that the department has a lot of things it can do to improve. With time, I believe we can match our output with the incoming work.

Research and Development (New Skills Acquisition)

It's high time we develop other tentative skills to fit niche markets. This way we can exploit our core competencies and at the same time diversify our product offering.

Business Development (Business Ventures)

Pursue new opportunities aggressively. We also have to learn how to plan correctly and be more mindful of time management. I expect new revenue streams before this year ends.

Information Technology (Blogging/Social Networking)

Be more diligent in using the internet. We also have to maintain what we have right now and further utilize our "tools".

Corporate Social Responsibility (Charity Work/Philanthropy)

We have to be more active in our CSR programs. That's all I can say. The more generous we are, the more generous people will be towards us.

To us all, I wish everyone all the best. God bless us all.

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