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The Plain Look

27 June 2013

I was pretty amused at one article by Telegraph, an excerpt of which follows:

Women find a man in a plain white T-shirt up to 12 per cent more attractive, scientists claim.

A plain white T-shirt can create an illusion that broadens the shoulders and slims the waist, producing a more V-shaped body, which is a top sign of masculinity.

I recall that I wrote something earlier about my preference for plain clothes. Until now, I still like going out with plain shirts, plain polo shirts, or plain polos, period.

Of course, since we're in the Philippines, I think the study's results cannot apply to us squarely. A plain shirt might produce the same effect but wearing a plain white shirt possibly cannot. That's because we associate the white plain shirt with an undershirt, meaning that if one is caught wearing that in public, it simply means that guy is under-dressed.

Or is that another reason why women find it attractive?  

To digress, I also don't like wearing blue polo shirts, especially in Davao City. That's because I might be mistaken for a jeepney driver along the way ("Manong, unsang sakyun padung Rizal Park?") 

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