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Tips For The First Time Apo Climber

25 April 2011

First up, a disclaimer: I've climbed Apo only once so far. That doesn't, in any way, make me an expert in the subject of climbing it. However, because I'm helpful and because I don't want those who follow me to have such a hard time, I'm offering some tips or advice for the newbie Apo climber.

In his song, Sunscreen, Baz Luhrmann comments that Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth. And it's true. The tips I'm going to give you are essentially an elaborate rehash of whatever it is that most have learned over the years. But here I go anyway:

Make sure your footwear is up to it. I had the misfortune of using my old running shoes for the climb. They were comfortable, yes, but halfway to our ascent, the soles had begun to give up, gaping like starved dogs in the mud. Fortunately though, my shoes survived the whole trek and eventually fell apart when I reached home. However, this didn't save me the countless hours spent in anxiety, wondering if I'd be walking home barefoot.

Stuff everything you have in just one bag. I borrowed a backpack from my cousin, which was too small for my sleeping bag to fit into. So I strapped my sleeping bag and other paraphernalia outside my backpack. I thought I was clever but the constant shift in weight and the fact that my sleeping bag just won't stay on top of my backpack became a serious nuisance in the end. If you can afford it, do buy a backpack that can accommodate all your things.
Bring Modess. I'm going to expound on this in a later post.

Bring a tent with a fly. Although we managed to sleep comfortably at the peak in our fly-less tent, things weren't the same when we arrived in Lake Venado. The rain exposed the inadequacy of our fly-less tent. Water seeped into the paper-thin fabric and into our sleeping bags, bringing us to near hypothermia. Nasty experience, if I care to relive it.

Don't try to cram six souls into one small tent. I'm telling you. It just doesn't work. And it makes every one's night miserable as well. Go buy another tent if you want to get some decent sleep.

Bring money. Need I say anything else?

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