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Battle Of The Bulge

09 April 2014

Back in January, I shopped for a new pair of pants and settled for a pair with a 31-inch waistline. To compare, back in college, I sported a 29-inch waistline. In short, gaining 2 inches to my midsection in just six years was troubling.

Since then, I eventually noticed that my tummy was three months pregnant and the abs I took note before were less noticeable. Equally damning were the times I looked down on the floor and winced when my stomach began blocking the view.

Earlier this year, I did mention in public that I'm never going to get fat. It was my reply to Sir Chris' comment that anyone in sales is bound to gain a few pounds over time. Though I was being a bit naive at that time, I was also thinking that there's no escaping from this truth.

So this week, I resolved to wage the Battle of the Bulge again because, apparently, I have to. The last time I did so was when I graduated from college and noticed the same symptom: growing torso. That battle was immediately won because I ate sparingly while I was in Taguig City. 

Now, it's time to get back to the habits I unwittingly discarded the past few months because of a combination of study habits, work demands, and sheer laziness:

1.) Hit the gym at least once a week
2.) Jog at least once a week
3.) Do the morning and evening routines
4.) Sleep better

The goal now is to arrest the bulge and bring back the figure that once was. Good luck to that! See you in June.

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