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17 May 2013

The brofist is an oxymoron: it's manly yet hygienic at the same time.

For those who don't know, the brofist is the fist bump. It's simply two guys placing out their respective fists and bumping each other's fist. It's a handshake minus the sweaty palms and last-minute hesitations. 

My first encounter with the gesture was when I was under Sir Bong. He would just place his fist in mid-air and wait for his guys to catch the signal. 

Then, I watched Kendrick Perkins do it on a Youtube video which featured him doing it as part of his pregame ritual. He would fist bump every guy in the announcer's table and wouldn't walk away until  everybody did.

But the brofist definitely entered my life when I met Sir Rojie. He was the brofist guy. Every day, not an encounter with him would end without a brofist. He also had a particular way of doing it also: the fist would be coming in slow motion from under his hip, as if he were about to do an uppercut. Then, at the last second, he would align it horizontally to meet the eventual fist. After which, once the deed is done, the fist uncoils to an open hand, perhaps signaling the end of discussion.

Maybe someday, the brofist is going to be part of popular culture, a testament to a machismo that is both non-sexist and wholesome. 

Who knows, right?

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