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Di Ka-Martsa

24 March 2012

What the heck.

On some days, a story gets on your nerve. Mama just shared that kind of story.

She was actually fresh from deliberations, discussing with the other faculty members on what to do with the many senior high school students who cannot and will not march on graduation day because of poor grades.

She related one story where the student failed one or more subjects and, hence, couldn't march. Apparently, her parents, who were both OFWs, were going home to celebrate the graduation of their child. But, upon hearing this bad news, both cancelled their plane tickets and their trip back to the Philippines. Well, so much for parental love.

 What irks me is that, in this delicate moment of defeat, the child needs a parent all the more. He (I'm presuming the child's a boy) needs to be consoled, to be patted at the back, to be reassured by a mother or a father with the words, "You did not graduate, you dimwit. But it's okay. Your graduation wasn't the only reason why we're coming back. We miss you."

I wish the parents of that child have realized this by now.

Stupid parents.

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