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When Aid Is A Bad Word

13 September 2010

Contrary to common belief, aid can be a two-edged sword. Here's an article from Boston Globe explaining just that.

One example in the Philippines is how a political clan in Central Mindanao had manipulated USaid and other sources of funding to solidify their political dynasty in the area (Another article here). It is widely believed, but not thoroughly investigated, that most of the funds intended for the development of the ARMM region have been diverted to serve the interests of the Ampatuan clan.

Perhaps, one lesson to be gained here would be the imposition of a criteria for would-be beneficiaries of international aid foundations. One organization can employ strict metrics in measuring the progress of their interventions. This then eliminates any attempt at misappropriating funds and holds the beneficiary accountable for any diversion or ill use of money. If one country fails to do so, aid is cut off. As simple as that.

Pretty harsh but, still, it might work.

Anyway, just to digress, here's another article from The Atlantic featuring a new brand of philantrophy. Read on.

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